Thursday, September 17, 2009

How to help someone use a computer

"If it's not obvious to them, it's not obvious." I did not relate to this because I've had to deal with someone who didn't get, but I related to it because people do this to me all the time when they are trying to teach some new form of technology. "Don't take the keyboard. Let them do all the typing, even if it's slower that way, and even if you have to point them to every key they need to type. That's the only way they're going to learn from the interaction." I am guilty of doing this to people because I am really impatient, I guess that's not the best idea.

I think the best advice I can use from this article is the part about letting people try the process on their own. Since our presentation is about interactive whiteboards, I think the best way for my peers to experience the technology is just to play with it.

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